Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Why has God not come back yet?

But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son,  but only the Father.
- Matthew 24:36

Questions and answers:
Why has God not come back yet?
Even Jesus did not know when He would be coming back.
Simply stated, it is not up to us.
Here is what we can do:  live every day for the Lord.
Do everything for the Lord.
Follow His word, meditate on it, live by it.
That way, when Jesus does come back, we will be among those who are welcoming Him.  J  

Have a blessed day!

*Thank you to the lead pastor of Rogers Christian Church for answering questions in Sunday’s service.  I have paraphrased his answers and (of course) added some thoughts of my own

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