Friday, December 2, 2016


Lord, You alone are my portion and my cup; You make my lot secure.
– Psalm 16:5

This sounds great right? 
But it was actually written in distress. . .
You see David was dealing with many struggles when he wrote this Psalm.
Yet in the midst of great hardship, David acknowledged that God guards those things that David held as valuable: his portion, his cup and his lot.
His portion was the provision that was needed for him to survive.
His cup was the purpose in life that he had (remember Jesus, who spoke to the Father of “taking this cup from him”).
His lot was the inheritance of land that was a major part of preserving Jewish lineage.
When David felt separated from all of these things, he reminded himself that his current situation was not the final word: it was God’s faithfulness that he trusted in during times of trial.
That same faithfulness is available to you and me.
Our God is the same yesterday, today and forever.

Have a blessed day!

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