Friday, February 28, 2025

new beginnings

For if a man belongs to Christ, he is a new person. The old life is gone. New life has begun.

- 2 Corinthians 5:17 (NLV)


Today is the last day of February 2025.

Tomorrow marks the start of a new month and, for a member of my family, a new beginning.

We will witness a marriage—the joining of two people as they start the rest of their lives together.

We are blessed that both already follow Christ, however, their single lives, their old lives, will be left behind.

They will embark on a new journey, walking hand in hand with each other and with Christ.

As the rest of the world begins a new month in 2025, I pray that you are “Marching” on with Christ.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Thursday, February 27, 2025


For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish. Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?

- Esther 4:14 (NKJV)


Esther, an orphan raised by her cousin Mordecai, was a Jewish girl exiled from Jerusalem.

Through a series of extraordinary events, she became queen and ultimately saved the lives of the Jewish people living in King Xerxes’ kingdom.

Despite her fear, Esther risked her life by breaking several laws and speaking up.

She knew the danger she faced, especially since Queen Vashti, the very queen she replaced, had been exiled for disobeying the king's commandments.

Mordecai convinced her to speak on behalf of the Jewish people, declaring that she was placed in her position “for such a time as this.”

What if Esther had been silent?

What if she had decided not to speak to the king?

These questions resonate today.

What happens when we remain silent on issues impacting the world around us?

Holocaust Remembrance Day was one month ago, January 27th,
Pastor Martin Niemöller, a Lutheran pastor in Germany wrote this after World War II:

First, they came for the Communists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Communist.

Then they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out-because I was not a trade unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out-because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me-and there was no one left to speak out for me

Those are some very chilling words, even today, especially today.

We can't stay silent.

If there is something terribly wrong, stand up for what you believe in, stand up for what is right, and stand up for God.

We are here, now—for such a time as this.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

not (lyin’) lion

Daniel found out that the king had signed the order. In spite of that, he did just as he had always done before. He went home to his upstairs room. Its windows opened toward Jerusalem. He went to his room three times a day to pray. He got down on his knees and gave thanks to his God.

- Daniel 6:10 (NIRV)  


Times are changing; things that were acceptable years ago are no longer allowed, and things that were allowed years ago are no longer acceptable.

Daniel faced many challenges while in a position of power over some officials appointed by King Darius.

These officials disliked Daniel so much that they searched endlessly to catch him breaking the king’s laws.

When they could not find anything, they convinced the king to write a new law so they could have Daniel arrested.

However, Daniel was not about to let the law of man change his commitment to God.

He prayed, just as he had been doing for years, and because of that, he faced a den full of hungry lions.

But God. (I’ve said that before, haven’t I?)

The next morning, the king rushed to the den to see if Daniel was alive (he was).

Based on that, the king passed a new law (Daniel 6:26):
I order people in every part of my kingdom to respect and honor Daniel’s God. “He is the living God. He will live forever. His kingdom will not be destroyed. His rule will never end.  

There are multiple lessons here that relate to life in today’s world:

Daniel’s consistent prayer practice shows unwavering devotion and a deep commitment to God, regardless of the law against it.

Even when faced with danger, Daniel chose to prioritize his faith and his relationship with God above his own safety.

This verse encourages us to remain strong in our beliefs even when society or authority figures might try to stop us.

Even today, when we are faced with ethical challenges in the workplace, we can lean on Daniel's example to inspire us to uphold our values even if it means potential repercussions.

There are so many situations where societal norms might conflict with our religious beliefs, but Daniel's story reminds us to stay true to what we believe in.

We can learn from Daniel's dedication to regular prayer to maintain a strong connection with God.

Daniel's story is a powerful reminder to stay committed to our faith and values, no matter the changing times or challenges we face.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Tuesday, February 25, 2025

make it so

For God made Christ, who never sinned, to be the offering for our sin, so that we could be made right with God through Christ.

- 2 Corinthians 5:21 (NLT)


I love stories, and maybe that’s why I write the way I do—so that people can read these daily thoughts as a narrative.

I am a huge Star Trek fan, thanks to my older brother, so I get a bit nerdy now and then.

Captain Picard would often provide direction, wait for a response, then say, “make it so.”

The nerdy side of me imagines that perhaps God planned out what He was going to do, discussed it with His Son and the Holy Spirit, and said, “make it so.”

Sure, it's a bit silly because we know that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are three in one; there isn't a conversation or discussion.

But imagining God saying, “make it so,” would be pretty cool.

Here is a story that I heard and really like:

The Greatest Man in History… Jesus; Had no servants, yet they called Him Master. Had no degree, yet they called Him Teacher. Had no medicines, yet they called Him Healer. He had no army, yet kings feared Him. He won no military battles, yet He conquered the world. He did not live in a castle, yet they called Him Lord, He ruled no nations, yet they called Him King, He committed no crime, yet they crucified Him. He was buried in a tomb, yet He lives today (Lyle C Rollings III, 2008).

The Greatest Man in History.

What a concept, that our Lord and Savior was once every bit as human as you and I.

And He died for us, so that we could be like Him.




Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Monday, February 24, 2025


Now all things are of God, who has reconciled us to Himself through Jesus Christ, and has given us the ministry of reconciliation.

- 2 Corinthians 5:18 (NKJV)


Skimming through Facebook memories can be fun, but it can also be heart-wrenching.

We've all lost friends and loved ones (even our beloved pets), and when those memories pop up, the hurt feels fresh once again.

I’m not sure which is worse: losing someone to death and never seeing them again or cutting someone out of your life because of their toxic traits.

Both losses cut deep, but sometimes the loss is better for everyone involved.

When you've removed someone from your life due to their actions, occasionally there is an attempt at reconciliation.

I say "attempt" because reconciliation is a difficult and uphill battle—sometimes it's successful, and sometimes it is not.

Both parties have to want it to work, and in my experience, more often than not, reconciliation has failed.

It surprises me when I talk to people and learn that they have lost their faith due to something that happened to someone they cared about deeply.

This breaks my heart, and I believe it breaks God’s heart too.

I can’t explain everything that happens; bad things happen to me and those I love all the time.

What I can explain is that no matter how badly I hurt, no matter how devastating the blow, I always have God.

I don’t have a degree in Biblical studies (yet), and I don’t have all the answers.

All I know is that God is good, and He wants us to know Him and love Him.

It is okay to ask questions and to be unsure, as long as you are seeking the answers.

Around Christmas time, I saw a coffee cup that said, “Wise men still seek Him.”

We should always seek Him and encourage our friends and loved ones to do the same.

His arms are open to the reconciliation of His children with Him.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, February 21, 2025

living water

For the Scriptures declare that rivers of living water shall flow from the inmost being of anyone who believes in me.

- John 7:38 (TLB)


I love natural running water.
My dream home would be on a property with a babbling brook or a small waterfall. 

Whenever my family takes out our ATVs, if there's water nearby, you can always find me recording a few minutes of the rushing water. 

When friends post vacation photos with videos of ocean waves crashing on the beach, I listen to the entire video. 

 There is just something about the sound of water that is so refreshing and relaxing; it soothes my soul.
In 2023 Anne Wilson released her song Living Water: 
This goes out to every outcast

To the just-don't-quite-fit-in

Every runaway, runaway rebel

So ashamed of where you've been

This goes out to every searcher

Tryin' to fill that empty space

Well, your searchin' days are over now

Everything's about to change

Come on down to the Living Water

Waves of mercy rushin' over you

No more strangers, only sons and daughters

Come down to the Living Water and rise up new

Mm-mm, mm-mm-mm-mm

Have you heard about a man named Jеsus?

He's the way, the truth, thе life

Stretched out His arms on a rugged cross

And paid ever sinner's price

So when you're tired of all your runnin'

You don't have to run no more

You can leave it all behind you

Just believe and be reborn

Come on down to the Living Water

Waves of mercy rushin' over you

No more strangers, only sons and daughters

Come down to the Living Water and rise up new

Oh-oh, this is your invitation

Oh-oh, no more lost and alone

Oh-oh, this is your invitation

Hear your Father sayin', "Welcome home"

See that cross up on the steeple

Hear that sweet forgiveness song

Come and join the Jesus people

This is where we all belong

(Oh, oh, oh)

Oh, come on down to the Living Water (The Living Water)

Waves of mercy rushin' over you (Oh-oh)

No more strangers, only sons and daughters (Sons and daughters)

Come down to the Living Water and rise up new (And rise up new)

Come down to the Living Water and rise up new

The first time I heard it I was floored.
This is what Jesus was talking about! 
When you believe in Him, waves of mercy wash away your sin. 

Being baptized by submersion allows you to emerge from the water refreshed and renewed.

Who wouldn’t want that feeling?

Believe in Him and let the living water flow through you.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Thursday, February 20, 2025

not sorry

Because you are not sorry for your sins and will not turn from them, you will be punished even more on the day of God’s anger. God will be right in saying you are guilty.

- Romans 2:5 (NLV)


I have often written about how the God I serve is loving and forgiving.

Accepting Jesus into your heart is essential for redemption, but there is more to it than that.

We can ask for forgiveness and spend half the day in church on Sunday, but unless we truly repent and stop committing the sins we are living, forgiveness isn't granted.

Our idea of forgiveness seems to be that if we say we are sorry, everything is okay.

That is simply not true.

For example, I might be sorry for cutting someone off in traffic on my way to work this morning, but will I do it again?


Will I curse and get angry while driving tomorrow?

More than likely.

Just saying "I'm sorry" doesn't mean instant forgiveness.

True repentance requires a genuine change in behavior.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

make him run

So give yourselves to God. Stand against the devil and he will run away from you.

- James 4:7 (NLV) 2.20.2018


How often do you find it hard to resist the devil?

I struggle with it every single day.

If you claim you don't, you might be fooling yourself.

We are human, and we fight daily to do the right thing.

We must lean on the power of God to get us through.

It's not a sometimes thing; it's an all-the-time thing.

Every second of every day, because the moment you think you are safe, the devil will slip in.

I once saw a t-shirt that said, "Be the kind of woman that when your feet hit the floor each morning, the devil says, 'Oh crap, she's up!'"

Let's all strive to be that kind of person—one that the devil flees from.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

looking up

Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

- Luke 21:28 (NKJV)


I think the world has gone mad.

When we turn on the news, we see terrible stories from every corner of the globe: hostages being taken and killed, plane crashes, wicked storms, killer viruses, corrupt politicians, vicious beatings and murders, and people being scammed out of their life savings.

There aren’t many “feel good” stories in the news these days.

I believe we have hit rock bottom.

The band Sidewalk Prophets has a newly released song called "Looking Up" that speaks volumes about things going badly.

Holes in his jeans, old shoes on his feet

With a cardboard sign at a red light

Got a few dollars out, rolled my window down

Said, "I hope this helps you get by"

He said, "Man, I won't tell my whole story, but I'll tell you this much"

There's a long list of roads to rock bottom

Just a handful of ways to climb out

Yeah, I've been hit with some punches

Strong enough to make Superman's knees hit the ground

Some things will make you start prayin'

Whether you believe in God or not

If you get low enough, you'll start lookin' up

I took his words with me as the light turned green

Started lookin' back on my life

The wrong turns in the rearview

And all of my fears too rushed to the front of my mind

I've seen more than my share of dead ends

So I can tell you this much

There's a long list of roads to rock bottom

Just a handful of ways to climb out

Yeah, I've been hit with some punches

Strong enough to make Superman's knees hit the ground

Some things will make you start prayin'

Whether you believe in God or not

If you get low enough, you'll start lookin'

Up to the heavens askin' for help (Askin' for help)

Saying, "Lord, I can't do this by myself"

Up to the Father who calls you His own (Up to the One)

Up to the One who can bring you back home

There's a long list of roads to rock bottom

But He is the only way out

Yeah, I've been hit with some punches (Ooh)

Strong enough to make Superman's knees hit the ground

Some things will make you start prayin' (Start prayin')

Whether you believe in God or not

If you get low enough, you'll start lookin' up

Have we reached the point where we need to turn to God?

Some of the blows we are enduring are certainly enough to bring us to our knees.
Perhaps instead of looking down when we are on our knees, we should look up.  


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Monday, February 17, 2025

He sees you

The eyes of the Lord watch over those who do right; his ears are open to their cries for help.
- Psalm 34:15 (NLT)


We all feel invisible sometimes, don’t we? We do things at work that are overlooked, and at home, our efforts are often taken for granted. It can seem like we are not seen.

My husband once shared a meme with me that said, “My wife came home from a week of travel for work, and I didn’t do dishes, laundry, or clean the house, just to let her know how much I need her.” While that might seem cute, I think it would cause most wives to become very upset. It implies that the husband sees her, but in a totally negative way.

But God sees you.

In 2024, Terrian released her single He Sees You, here are the lyrics:
I'm not perfect

Even at my best, I don't deserve Him

When everything's a mess under the surface

He never makes me feel ashamed

When I'm hurting

He handles every question in my searching

Even when I wonder if He's working

He takes all of the fear away

So when you think that you're stuck

In the place you're standing

He sees

Everything that you're gonna be

He's healing every lie you believed

He sees you

He sees you, oh

And He knows

Your future, so He's pulling you close

He is your defender, I know

He sees you

He sees you, oh

Different voices

Have tried to label you just by your choices

But I am here to tell you that you're chosen

His love's calling out your name

So when you think that you're stuck

In the place you're standing

He sees

Everything that you're gonna be

He's healing every lie you believed

He sees you

He sees you, oh

And He knows

Your future, so He's pulling you close

He is your defender, I know

He sees you

He sees you, oh

Bring your burdens (bring your burdens)

Bring your shame (bring your shame)

Lay it down (lay it down)

At his feet, oh (at his feet)

You are a child of the living God

Of the living God

Bring your worries (bring your worries)

And fear of failing (and fear of failing)

Lay it down (lay it down)

No more waiting (no more waiting)

You are a child of the living God

Of the living God

He sees

Everything that you're gonna be

He's healing every lie you believed

He sees you

He sees you, oh

And He knows

Your future, so He's pulling you close

He is your defender, I know

He sees you

He sees you, oh

Hmm, He sees you
You are not invisible.

You are a precious child of God, and He sees you and hears your every cry, your every prayer.
He sees you. 


Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Friday, February 14, 2025

it has to be love

Dear friends, since God loved us that much, we surely ought to love each other.

- 1 John 4:11 (NLT)


Today is Valentine’s Day, the day we set aside to express our love for people (or pets).
There is a lot of history and information regarding the origins of Valentine’s Day to sift through on the internet, it can make for some interesting reading.
For example, there are connections to Christianity, but there are also Pagan connections.
Christianity has stories about three different saints bearing the name Valentine, each having been beheaded for various crimes involving love.
The Roman festival Lupercalia is said to be the beginnings of what we now celebrate as a day we send our loved ones flowers, candy and cards to express our undying devotion to them.

But tell me please, why we signify one day a year to show people how much we love them when we ought to love every day!

Think about it – does God only show His love for us one day a year?

NO!  We are loved by the Creator of the Universe.

He knows us personally and He cares about us tremendously.

Although God knew about our weaknesses and sinfulness, He was willing to pay a terrible price to redeem us.

Even though we are sometimes weak or rebellious, He loves us, forgives us, and welcomes us back when we are willing to confess our sins and come home to Him.

So, if God has consistently, faithfully, and graciously loved us, how can we not share that love with each other?

And how can we not share it every single day?

Go love on someone right now!!

Happy Valentine’s Day!



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Thursday, February 13, 2025

this is what we say

Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us. And lead us not into temptation.

- Luke 11:4 (NIV)


It is often hard to forgive people when they hurt us.
Anger (we talked about that a few days ago) often leads us to say and do things that we will later be ashamed of.
Hurt can build a wall around us that just gets thicker and taller over time. 
Very recently I found myself in a situation where I became very angry very quickly, and somehow I let that 30 second event ruin my entire day.
Several hours later, I received a text message from a good friend, it was just a screen shot of a motivational saying, but I mean to tell you, it hit the nail on the head.
Forgive them, even if they aren’t sorry. Let them be right if that’s what they need. Send them love and send them off.  Don’t tie yourself to small mindedness, it will steal your wellbeing.
I was truly floored. 
The timing my friend had sending this to me was impeccable. 
When Jesus taught us to pray, He said “
Forgive us our sins, for we also forgive everyone who sins against us.

We need to forgive, because harboring that anger isn’t hurting others, it is only hurting us.
Let’s not just say it, let’s put it into practice. 
Forgive them before they ask for forgiveness, forgive them even if they aren’t sorry.
You’ll find your heart significantly lighter without that burden.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

lead me not

My son, if sinners try to lead you into sin, do not go with them.

- Proverbs 1:10 (NLV)

No parent has ever told their child that they should do everything their friends tell them to do.

As a matter of fact, most parents spend over 18 years telling their kids not to do what everyone else is doing.
I remember my mother saying these things: 
“if <insert friend’s name> jumps off the combination bridge, are you going to do it too?”

“Do as I say, not as I do.”

“Just because <another friend’s name> gets to do it doesn’t mean you do.”

“Not all your friends have <insert desired item>.”

I also remember getting into a lot of trouble for following a friend down a wrong path.
As I got older, I realized that I have the right to make my own choices, and I knew right from wrong.
We may believe that we all have that little devil on one shoulder and the angel on the other, but the truth is that we must be aware of what is around us.
The movies we see, the music we listen to, the books we read. 
Temptation is all around us.

There are multiple times in a day when we are faced with decisions that will affect us (or others) in a detrimental way.

While we may not be tempted today in the same manner as in Biblical times, we can be tempted anywhere - the opportunity can occur at lunch,  during a break, out shopping with friends, or even at a church event.

Don’t give into the temptation, for in the end the people that are tempting us to do these things only set a trap for themselves by their actions.

The wisdom of this proverb is as relevant for us today as when it was first written.

Do the right thing, even when no one is looking.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

so angry

Understand this, my dear brothers and sisters: You must all be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to get angry.

- James 1:19 (NLT)


Not that I would ever admit this, but I have a very quick temper.

It is not something I am proud of, but sometimes I feel myself going from zero to angry in 2.5 seconds.

My husband tells me that I do not have a good poker face, (he’s absolutely correct) so when I am mad, you can tell.

Being slow to speak does not mean the way you speak; it means how quickly.

Your reaction to a situation can make or break your reputation, and that reputation can sometimes cost you - a raise or promotion that was in your grasp can be quickly ripped away if you react poorly.



It’s good to remember that “listen” and “silent” are made of the same six letters.

These words of advice will serve those who practice them well – unfortunately, it is rare that I am one of those.

Our tendencies are to listen with the intent of speaking our mind as quickly as possible, but the art of listening can bridge the gap of many misunderstandings.

Seek first to understand, then to be understood, and you will do well in the affairs of life.

Oh – and note to self:  keep that temper in check.



Daily Inspiration from the Bible


Seek the Lord while He may be found, Call upon Him while He is near. - Isaiah 55:6 (NKJV)   God comes near to us by revealing Himself, but f...